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Impact of Excessive Screen Time on Children's Academic Performance?

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Impact of Excessive Screen Time on Children's Academic Performance

Learn how excessive screen time affects children's academic performance through our comprehensive survey.

1. How many hours per day do you spend on screens (e.g. TV, smartphone, computer)?

2. How often do you experience eye strain or headaches from screen use?

3. Which activities do you primarily use screens for? (Select all that apply)

4. Have you noticed a decrease in your academic performance since increasing screen time?

5. Do you feel more tired or fatigued after spending extended periods of time on screens?

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6. Which factors contribute to your screen time increase? (Select all that apply)

7. What strategies do you use to limit your screen time?

8. Do you find it difficult to concentrate on academic tasks after spending time on screens?

9. How do you feel emotionally after a long period of screen use?

10. Do you experience difficulty falling asleep after using screens close to bedtime?

The Effects of Excessive Screen Time on Children's Academic Performance - A Comprehensive Study

In today's digital age, children are increasingly exposed to screens for various activities. This survey aims to understand the correlation between excessive screen time and academic performance in children. The questionnaire covers aspects such as screen time duration, effects on health, primary screen activities, and strategies to limit screen time. The survey delves into the emotional and concentration challenges that children may face due to prolonged screen exposure. Results from this survey can provide valuable insights for educators, parents, and policymakers to address the impact of screen time on children's learning and development. It is crucial to strike a balance between technology use and other activities to ensure optimal academic performance and overall well-being.
Respondents are encouraged to provide honest and detailed responses to help shed light on this important topic.
Join us in the journey to uncover the truth behind the impact of screen time on children's academic success!
Take part in the survey now and be a part of valuable research that can drive positive change in the education landscape.