Hotel check-in form

  • Dear Sir / Madam,

    We are glad that you have chosen our hotel!

    Here is an online check-in card, thanks to which you can check in to our hotel without waiting at the reception desk. All you have to do is complete the questionnaire, click the Send button and ... ready!

    Upon arrival you will receive a key and will be able to go to your room immediately.

    If any part of the Registration Card will not be understood, please contact us at: XXXXX, or by e-mail at:

    See you soon!

    Hotel X

  • 1. Please provide the details of the Guest for whom the reservation was made:

  • 2. Please enter the e-mail address to which we will send you the confirmation of check-in: *

    Please, enter e-mail address in a form e.g.:
  • 3. Would you like to receive an SMS confirmation of your booking? If so, please provide a contact number: *

  • 4. Please enter the number of people who will be in the room during your stay:

    The numbers should be given together with the Guest whose name the reservation was made.
  • 5. Extra place for consents necessary to grant in the process of electronic registration: *

    You can select several answers.