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Employee Engagement Survey

A happy employee is a company’s best investment. An employee engagement survey aims to cover various aspects of employees‘ daily work life.

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A company’s most valuable assets are its employees, especially those engaged and committed to their work. Engaged employees are more productive and tend to stay longer with the organization, which reduces turnover and associated costs.

Many organizations turn to a powerful tool, the Employee Engagement Survey, to understand and improve employee engagement.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what an employee engagement survey is, the four key areas it typically measures, what should be included in such a survey, and some sample employee engagement questions to get you started.

What Is an Employee Engagement Survey?

Conducted in the form of a structured questionnaire, an Employee Engagement Survey is designed to evaluate the level of employee engagement and satisfaction in an organization. 

These surveys play a crucial role in a company’s employee feedback and improvement strategy, as they offer valuable insights into how employees perceive their work environment, job satisfaction, and connection to the organization’s mission and goals.

The 4 Areas of Employee Engagement

Employee engagement surveys typically measure engagement in four key areas:

Job Satisfaction:

This area assesses how content employees are with their roles. It includes questions about workload, work-life balance, and job security.

Relationship with Management:

This section evaluates employees‘ relationships with their supervisors and managers. It gauges communication, feedback, and the extent to which employees feel valued and supported by their superiors.

Company Culture:

This area explores the alignment of employee values with those of the organization. It examines whether employees feel a sense of belonging, shared purpose, and ethical alignment with the company’s culture.

Personal Growth and Development:

Employees are more engaged when they see opportunities for growth and advancement within the organization. Questions in this category assess the availability of training, career development, and prospects for advancement.

Measuring Employee Engagement – Key Drivers

What should be included in a staff engagement survey? When designing an employee satisfaction questionnaire, it’s crucial to include questions that address the four key areas mentioned above. Here are some elements to consider when creating your survey:

  • Demographics:

Collect basic information about employees, such as department, position, and tenure. This data can help identify trends and tailor responses to specific employee groups.

  • Open-Ended Questions:

Alongside closed-ended questions with predefined answer choices, include open-ended questions that allow employees to provide detailed feedback and suggestions.

  • Rating Scales:

Use Likert scales or similar rating systems to gauge the intensity of agreement or disagreement with statements. For example, ask employees to rate their agreement with statements like, „I feel valued in my role“ on a scale from 1 to 5.

  • Benchmarking Questions:

Include questions that help you compare your organization’s performance with industry benchmarks. For example, „On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company as a great place to work?“

  • Engagement Drivers:

Identify the specific factors that drive engagement in your organization and include questions related to them. For example, if career growth is a significant driver, ask employees about their perception of growth opportunities.

  • Anonymity:

Assure employees that their responses will be kept confidential to encourage honest feedback.

Sample Employee Engagement Survey Questions

Remember that these questions are just a starting point. It’s essential to tailor your survey to your organization’s specific needs and goals. Collect acionable insights regarding team members or management relations, company culture, or professional growth of individuals.

Job Satisfaction:

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with your current workload?

2. Do you feel your job provides a healthy work-life balance?

3. How well do you understand your job responsibilities and performance expectations?

Relationship with Management:

1. Do you receive regular feedback and recognition from your supervisor?

2. Do you feel comfortable approaching your manager with concerns or ideas?

3. On a scale of 1 to 5, how well does your manager support your professional development?

Company Culture:

1. Do you feel a sense of belonging to our company’s culture and values?

2. Do you believe our organization is committed to ethical practices?

3. How well does the company communicate its mission and vision to employees?

Personal Growth and Development:

1. Are there opportunities for training and skill development in your current role?

2. Do you see a clear path for career advancement within the organization?

3. How satisfied are you with the opportunities for growth provided by the company?

What Are Employee Experience Surveys Best Practices?

Employee Experience Surveys (EX Surveys) are essential tools for organizations aiming to understand and enhance the overall experience of their employees.

To ensure that your EX Surveys yield valuable insights and drive positive change, it’s essential to follow best practices. Here are some key best practices for conducting Employee Experience Surveys:

Set Clear Objectives:

Define the specific goals and objectives of your EX Survey. What aspects of the employee experience are you looking to measure and improve? Having clear objectives will help you create targeted questions and interpret the results effectively.

Frequent and Consistent Surveys:

Conduct EX Surveys on a regular basis, such as annually or semi-annually, to track changes over time. Consistency in survey timing allows you to identify trends and measure the impact of initiatives.

Anonymous and Confidential:

Assure employees that their responses will remain anonymous and confidential. This encourages honest and open feedback, as employees feel safe sharing their thoughts without fear of repercussions.

Customized Questions:

Tailor your survey questions to your organization’s unique culture and needs. While there are standard questions to include, customization ensures relevance to your specific context.


Ensure that your survey is accessible to all employees, regardless of their role, location, or language. Use a format and language that are easy to understand for all participants.

Use a Mix of Question Types:

Employ a variety of question types, including closed-ended (e.g., Likert scale), open-ended (text response), and multiple-choice questions. This provides a well-rounded view of the employee experience.

Short and Focused:

Keep the survey concise and focused to prevent survey fatigue. A shorter survey is more likely to yield higher response rates and more accurate responses.

Pilot Testing:

Before launching the survey organization-wide, conduct a pilot test with a small group of employees. This helps identify any issues with the survey design or questions and allows for adjustments.

Communicate and Explain:

Clearly communicate the purpose of the survey, how it will be used, and the expected timeline for results and actions. Explain the importance of honest feedback in driving positive change.

Engage Leadership:

Encourage leadership buy-in and participation in the survey process. When leaders take the survey and show commitment to addressing concerns, it sends a strong message of accountability and support.

Timely Feedback and Action:

After collecting survey responses, provide prompt feedback to employees on the results. Develop a clear action plan to address identified issues and communicate progress toward improvement.

Continuous Improvement:

Use the survey results to drive continuous improvement initiatives. Regularly revisit survey data to track progress and adjust strategies as needed.


Compare your survey results with industry benchmarks and best practices to gain insights into your organization’s standing. This can help identify areas where you excel and areas that need improvement.

Training and Support:

Provide training and resources to managers and teams on how to interpret and act upon survey data effectively. Empower them to take ownership of their teams‘ employee experience.

Follow-Up Surveys:

Conduct follow-up surveys to assess the impact of actions taken based on previous survey feedback. This helps ensure that changes are having a positive effect.

Celebrate Success:

Acknowledge and celebrate improvements and achievements in the employee experience. Recognize the contributions of employees and teams in driving positive change.

By adhering to these best practices, organizations can create a culture of feedback and continuous improvement, ultimately leading to a more positive and satisfying employee experience.

Employee Experience Surveys should be seen as a dynamic and ongoing process to foster a thriving work environment.

Measure Employee Engagement with Survey Software

Measuring employee engagement with survey software is a worthwhile endeavor for organizations seeking to enhance their workplace environment and drive positive change.

Here are some key reasons why asking the right employee survey questions may help your organization leverage employee engagement efforts.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making:

Survey software enables organizations to collect quantitative and qualitative data through employee survey questions specifically designed to measure engagement. This data provides valuable insights into the organization’s current state of engagement, helping leaders make informed decisions about employee engagement efforts.

  • Customization:

Survey software allows organizations to customize employee survey questions to align with their unique goals, culture, and areas of concern. This tailored approach ensures that the survey addresses specific engagement drivers and challenges within the organization.

  • Efficiency:

Conducting employee engagement surveys manually can be time-consuming and error-prone. Survey software streamlines the process, making it more efficient and accurate. It also allows for automated data analysis, saving time and resources.

  • Anonymity and Confidentiality:

Survey software provides a platform for employees to share their feedback anonymously and confidentially. This encourages candid responses and ensures that employees feel safe in expressing their opinions.

  • Real-Time Feedback:

With survey software, organizations can administer surveys at regular intervals, providing a real-time pulse on employee engagement. This timely feedback allows for quicker responses to issues and more agile employee engagement efforts.

  • Data Analysis Tools:

Most survey software platforms come with robust data analysis and reporting tools. These tools help organizations interpret survey results, identify trends, and pinpoint areas that require attention.

  • Benchmarking:

Survey software often includes benchmarking capabilities, allowing organizations to compare their engagement results with industry standards or peer organizations. This external perspective can highlight areas for improvement and competitive advantages.

  • Tracking Progress:

By using survey software for multiple survey cycles, organizations can track the progress of their employee engagement efforts over time. This helps measure the effectiveness of implemented initiatives and identify areas of sustained improvement.

  • Action Planning:

Survey software facilitates the creation of action plans based on survey results. Organizations can use the data to identify specific areas of concern and develop targeted strategies to address them.

  • Engagement Metrics:

Survey software enables organizations to quantify employee engagement through metrics and scores derived from survey responses. This allows for the establishment of baseline measurements and the tracking of improvements.

  • Employee Involvement:

Involving employees in the survey process, from crafting employee survey questions to participating in the surveys, fosters a sense of ownership and engagement in the organization’s improvement efforts.

  • Transparent Communication:

The use of survey software demonstrates an organization’s commitment to transparent and inclusive communication. It shows that the organization values employee input and is dedicated to making positive changes.

Collect Actionable Insights with Startquestion

Using survey software to measure employee engagement is a strategic choice for organizations committed to optimizing their workplace environment.

It empowers organizations to collect data through tailored employee survey questions, analyze results efficiently, and drive targeted employee engagement efforts.

This data-driven approach promotes a culture of continuous improvement and ensures that employee feedback is a vital part of the organization’s decision-making process.

Ready to collect employee feedback and improve employee engagement levels?

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Po mnoha doporučeních jsme otestovali Startquestion, který se ukázal jako snadno použitelný a flexibilní průzkumný software. Oceňujeme vysokou kvalitu, reakční dobu a trpělivost týmu zákaznické podpory. Startquestion nám pomáhá v mnoha případech použití souvisejících se zpětnou vazbou a vidíme, že jej pro své účely aktivně používá více uživatelů a oddělení.

Krzysztof Gabruk

Customer Experience Chapter Leader v Santander Bank Poland

Startquestion nám umožnilo zaručit anonymitu ankety našim zaměstnancům. Schopnost automaticky odesílat připomínky k dokončení studie nám pomohla získat výsledky – bez nich bychom jistě nedosáhli tak vysoké odezvy.

Sebastian Srebnicki

Projektový manažer v Innogy

Klíčem k úspěchu projektu Hlasu zákazníka je integrace interních systémů klienta s online výzkumným softwarem. První zkušenost s systémem byla tak povzbuzující, že Medicover Polsko se rozhodl převést veškerý prováděný výzkum na platformu Startquestion.

Beata Dąbrowska

Koordinátor výzkumu trhu a analýz v Medicover Polsko