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ESAT Survey for HR

It’s a fact that a high level of job satisfaction makes the employee more engaged and motivated and that satisfied employee is the best investment. Thanks to the employee satisfaction survey (ESAT) you can easily get clear and valuable data, which can make your workplace friendlier.

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Employee satisfaction survey (ESAT) – the research which benefits the company and HR

It’s a fact that a high level of job satisfaction makes the employee more engaged and motivated and that a satisfied employee is the best investment. Thanks to the employee satisfaction survey (ESAT), you can quickly get clear and valuable data, making your workplace friendlier.

An employee satisfaction survey allows you to:

– measure whether and to what extent a company meets or exceeds the expectations of its employees,
– get to know employees‘ opinions on selected areas of the company’s activity – from general satisfaction to, for example, evaluation of incentive systems.

The greatest benefits of ESAT research are:

  • – You can use the results of the survey to make decisions related to the improvement of the management process
  • – You can assess the level of satisfaction, motivation and professional development of employees in an objective way
  • – You can identify negative processes in the organization very quickly
  • – You can improve the level of communication between employees and the flow of information in the organization
  • – You can create the image of a company that cares about the needs of its employees

So You know now how vital this employee research is for your company. That’s why our Startquestion experts prepare employee satisfaction survey examples, so You can:
– create a ready-to-send survey even in a few minutes,
– be sure that the employee satisfaction survey questions are correct.

Below you will find ready-to-use employee satisfaction survey templates. If you are looking for other employee satisfaction surveys and research for HRs, please see the other templates made by Startquestion experts in the Survey Examples tab.

Employee satisfaction survey questionnaire DOC, PDF

In addition to the employee satisfaction survey template, Startquestion allows you to download both the content of an empty questionnaire (the questions and answers only) and an already completed survey to popular formats such as PDF or DOC.

Choose an Employee satisfaction survey PDF or DOC if:
– not all employees in the company have access to a computer and have to complete a paper questionnaire,
– you want to save the content of the questionnaire for documentation purposes or future research,
– you want to show the content of the survey before sending it to your superiors or colleagues from HR.

Employee satisfaction survey result

The creation of an employee satisfaction survey is just the beginning. You should also ensure that the test results are presented in the most legible, clear and understandable way.

Analyzing the research results on employee behaviour should end with a valuable report preparing the results. The Startquestion platform, as one of the few solutions in the world, provides a reporting module that will allow you to create your personalized reports containing the employee satisfaction survey results.

Thanks to ready-made reports, you can quickly inform individual people in your company (decision-makers, heads of departments, colleagues and even clients) about the progress of your research.

What will be the content of the survey report is your own decision:

  1. you can generate a report on all or only some of the results (e.g. after analysis using a filter or a cross table)
  2. you can add additional descriptions to the charts,
  3. you can change the order of individual sections with the results,
  4. you can create report chapters and give them your titles,
  5. you can change the colours of the report, add graphics or a company logo.

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Ve naší organizaci využíváme Startquestion nejen pro průzkumy zkušeností kandidátů a zapracování nových zaměstnanců, ale také zkoumáme školení, interní schůzky a spolupráci mezi náboráři a manažery. Nástroj je uživatelsky přívětivý a jednoduchý na používání. Během posledních několia měsíců jsme výrazně zlepšili schopnost sbírat zpětnou vazbu od zaměstnanců.

Wiktoria Wolszczak

Recruitment Specialist v OBI

Klíčem k úspěchu projektu Hlasu zákazníka je integrace interních systémů klienta s online výzkumným softwarem. První zkušenost s systémem byla tak povzbuzující, že Medicover Polsko se rozhodl převést veškerý prováděný výzkum na platformu Startquestion.

Beata Dąbrowska

Koordinátor výzkumu trhu a analýz v Medicover Polsko