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Employee Self Evaluation Form

Self-evaluation is an essential part of the overall employee evaluation. Use ready self-evaluation form – collect, view, and filter feedback in one place and create automatic reports for HR.

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Employee self-evaluation is an essential part of performance management in any organization. It allows employees to reflect on their work, set goals, and provide feedback on their performance.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore employee job performance reviews, how to create an effective self-evaluation form, what to include in the questionnaire, and how to conduct the evaluation process using survey tools.

What is Employee Self-Evaluation?

Employee self-evaluation is a fundamental process that allows employees to reflect on their performance and contributions to the organization. It is a reflective activity that involves analyzing one’s work, identifying areas of strength, and recognizing areas where improvement is required.

Performance review process is typically conducted annually or semi-annually, depending on the company’s performance management cycle (review period). It allows employees to take ownership of their professional development, set personal goals, and take action to achieve them.

By engaging in this process, employees can better understand their role within the organization, their impact on the company’s success, and their potential for growth and advancement.

How to Write a Self-Evaluation Form for an Employee

Creating a well-structured self-evaluation form is the first step in the employee self-evaluation process. Here are the key elements to consider when designing the form:

Introduction and Instructions:

Start with a brief introduction explaining the purpose of the self-evaluation and providing clear instructions on how to complete the form.

Performance Goals:

Ask employees to list their performance goals and objectives for the evaluation period. This helps align their self-assessment with the organization’s objectives.

Job Responsibilities:

Include a section where employees can detail their job responsibilities and the tasks they are expected to perform.


Encourage employees to highlight their achievements and accomplishments during the evaluation period. This can include completed projects, increased efficiency, or any positive contributions to the team.

Challenges and Areas for Improvement:

Ask employees to identify challenges they faced and areas where they believe they can improve. This promotes self-awareness and growth.

Training and Development Needs:

Inquire about the employee’s training and development needs. This information can help in creating a personalized development plan.

Feedback for Managers:

Give employees the opportunity to provide feedback to their managers. This can be suggestions for improvements in the work environment or communication.


Include spaces for both the employee and the manager to sign, indicating that the self-evaluation has been completed.

What to Include in the Employee Performance Evaluation Form

To ensure a comprehensive self-evaluation, it’s important to include specific questions and categories in the form. Here are some suggestions:

Job Performance:

  • Quality of work.
  • Productivity and efficiency.
  • Meeting deadlines.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Ability to work independently or as part of a team.


  • Effectiveness in communicating with colleagues and superiors.
  • Listening skills.
  • Clarity in written communication.
  • Conflict resolution skills.

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making:

  • Ability to identify and solve problems.
  • Decision-making skills.
  • Creativity and innovation in problem-solving.

Leadership and Initiative (if applicable):

  • Leadership skills.
  • Taking initiative.
  • Leading by example.
  • Mentoring or coaching colleagues.


  • Ability to adapt to changes in the work environment.
  • Handling stress and pressure.
  • Openness to feedback.

How to Conduct Employee Self-Evaluation with Survey Tools

In today’s digital age, many organizations use survey tools and software to streamline the employee self-evaluation process. Here’s how you can use survey tools effectively:

Select a Suitable Tool:

Choose a survey tool or software that meets your organization’s needs. Popular options include SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, and specialized HR software.

Design the Survey:

Create a well-structured self-evaluation survey using the selected tool. Ensure that it includes all the necessary questions and sections discussed earlier.


Send the self-evaluation surveys to all employees within the organization. Make sure to set a clear deadline for submission.

Anonymity Option:

Some organizations allow employees to submit their self-evaluations anonymously to encourage honest feedback.

Data Analysis:

Use the survey tool’s data analysis features to gather insights from the completed self-evaluations. Identify trends and areas where employees commonly seek improvement.

Feedback Meetings:

Schedule one-on-one meetings between employees and their managers to discuss the self-evaluation results. This is an opportunity to provide constructive feedback and set goals for the future.

Personal Development Plans:

Based on the self-evaluation and feedback discussions, create personalized development plans for employees. These plans should outline specific actions and resources needed for improvement.

Performance Evaluation Forms – Summary:

Employee self-evaluation forms are valuable tools for fostering self-awareness, accountability, and professional growth.

When designed thoughtfully and conducted effectively, they contribute to a more transparent and productive workplace. By following the guidelines and utilizing survey tools, organizations can make the self-evaluation process smoother and more meaningful for both employees and managers.

Incorporating employee self-evaluation into your organization’s performance management strategy can lead to improved communication, increased employee engagement, and ultimately, better overall performance.

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