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Brand Awareness Questionnaire For Your Company

Use a ready-made brand awareness survey template and find out what customers know and think about your brand.

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Brand awareness is a crucial aspect of any successful marketing strategy. It represents the extent to which consumers recognize and remember your brand.

High brand awareness means your brand is top-of-mind for your target audience, and it can directly impact their purchasing decisions. But how do you measure and improve brand awareness effectively? One powerful tool for achieving this is a brand awareness survey.

In this guide, we’ll explore brand awareness and how to measure it and provide insights into creating practical branding survey questions and a sample brand questionnaire.

What is Brand Awareness? [Definition]

Brand awareness refers to consumers’ recognition and familiarity with a particular brand. It’s all about how well people know and remember your brand, products, or services. High brand recognition is essential because it can increase customer loyalty, trust, and, ultimately, higher sales. When people are aware of your brand, they are more likely to consider it when purchasing.

How to Measure Brand Awareness?

Measuring brand awareness is a crucial aspect of monitoring the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. To achieve this, you can utilize different techniques and resources, with one of the most effective being an online questionnaire.

Here’s what you should keep in mind when you create brand awareness surveys.

1. Define Your Objectives

Before creating a brand awareness questionnaire, you need to clarify your objectives. What specific information are you trying to gather? Do you want to measure overall brand recognition, product-specific awareness, or brand attributes? Having a clear objective will guide the questions you include in your survey.

2. Develop Relevant Questions

Once you’ve defined your objectives, you can start creating questions that align with your goals. Your questions should cover aspects like brand recognition, recall, and perception. Here are some types of questions to consider:

  • Unaided Recall:

This is a measure of spontaneous brand awareness. You can ask respondents to name brands within your industry without providing a list of options.

  • Aided Recall:

In this approach, you provide a list of brands and ask respondents if they are aware of each one.

  • Brand Perception:

Ask questions about what words or attributes come to mind when respondents think about your brand. This can provide insights into how your brand is perceived.

3. Choose Your Audience

To get the most accurate results, it’s important to target the right audience for your own brand awareness survey. Consider demographics, geographic location, and other factors relevant to your business. You might also want to survey both current customers and potential customers to gain a comprehensive understanding of your brand’s awareness.

4. Distribute the Questionnaire

You can distribute your brand survey through various channels, such as email, social media, or your website. Make sure it’s easily accessible and user-friendly to encourage participation. Consider offering incentives to increase response rates.

5. Analyze the Results

After collecting responses, analyze the data to determine the level of brand awareness. You can calculate metrics like aided and unaided awareness percentages, brand attributes, and more. This analysis will provide valuable insights into your brand’s current awareness levels.

Brand Awareness Survey Questions to Ask

Creating practical branding survey questions is vital to obtaining meaningful insights from your brand awareness questionnaire. Here are some examples of good brand awareness questions:

Unaided Recall:

« Can you name any brands that provide products/services in [your industry]? »

Aided Brand Recall:

« Have you heard of the following brands in [your industry]? [List of brands]. Please select all that apply. »

Brand Perception:

« What words or phrases come to mind when you think of [your brand]? »

Brand Preference:

« Which brand in [your industry] do you prefer, and why? »

Likelihood to Recommend:

« On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend [your brand] to a friend or colleague? »

Usage and Satisfaction:

« Have you ever used [your brand]? If yes, please rate your satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 5. »

Brand Awareness Survey Example

Introduction: Thank you for participating in our brand awareness survey. Your feedback is valuable to us and will help us improve our brand.

Section 1: Brand Recognition

1.1. Can you name any brands that provide [products/services in your industry]?

1.2. Which of the following brands have you heard of? (Select all that apply)

  • [Your Brand]
  • [Competitor A]
  • [Competitor B]
  • [Competitor C]

Section 2: Brand Perception

2.1. What words or phrases come to mind when you think of [Your Brand]?

2.2. How would you describe the quality of products/services offered by [Your Brand]?

Section 3: Brand Preference

3.1. Which brand in [your industry] do you prefer, and why?

3.2. What would make you more likely to choose [Your Brand] over competitors?

Section 4: Likelihood to Recommend

4.1. On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend [Your Brand] to a friend or colleague?

Section 5: Usage and Satisfaction

5.1. Have you ever used [Your Brand]? If yes, please rate your satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = Not Satisfied, 5 = Very Satisfied).


Thank you for completing our brand awareness survey. Your input is highly appreciated and will help us enhance our brand. If you have any additional comments or feedback, please feel free to share them.

Brand awareness survey measures your target audience loyalty and knowledge about your company. Regardless of the nature of the business, it is impossible to ignore such insights. Incorporate questions like these into your questionnaire to gauge the effectiveness of your branding efforts.

Make Your Marketing Efforts Easier with Survey Tools

Building a strong brand image requires a critical component – brand awareness. Measuring and improving brand awareness is achievable through a well-crafted brand awareness questionnaire.

By asking the right questions and analyzing responses, you can gain valuable insights to help you make informed decisions to enhance your brand’s presence and reputation.

These insights can be transformed into a powerful marketing campaigns, increasing customer loyalty, trust, and higher sales. The power of a brand awareness questionnaire must be considered in boosting your brand’s visibility and impact.

Understanding your audience, setting clear objectives, and using the right questions to conduct an effective brand identity survey is essential.

By consistently measuring and building brand awareness and using data-driven decisions, you can strengthen your brand’s position in the market and inspire others to do the same.

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