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Onboarding Feedback Survey Template for HR

Do new employees feel good in your company? Does onboarding for new team members help them get started in your organization?

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The onboarding process is a critical phase for any organization, as it sets the tone for an employee’s entire journey with the company. To ensure a smooth transition and gather valuable insights, many companies use employee onboarding surveys.

In this guide, we’ll explore what an onboarding process entails, the five essential elements of onboarding (the 5 C’s), and how to create an effective onboarding survey template, including sample questions.

What is an Onboarding Process?

An onboarding process is the systematic integration of a new employee into an organization.

It goes beyond just paperwork; it encompasses a series of activities and interactions aimed at helping the new hire adapt to their new role and the company culture.

A well-structured onboarding process enhances employee engagement, retention, and productivity.

The 5 C’s of Onboarding

Before delving into onboarding surveys, it’s essential to understand the five key components of a successful onboarding process, often referred to as the 5 C’s:


Ensuring that new employees complete all necessary paperwork and training to meet legal and regulatory requirements.


Providing clear expectations and goals to new hires, helping them understand their roles and responsibilities.


Introducing employees to the company’s culture, values, and norms, fostering a sense of belonging.


Building relationships within the organization, helping new employees feel connected to their colleagues and superiors.


Continuously evaluating the onboarding process and gathering feedback for improvements.

What Should Be Included in an Employee Onboarding Survey?

An onboarding survey is a valuable tool for collecting feedback from new hires about their onboarding experience.

To create an effective onboarding survey template, consider including the following elements:

  • Demographic Information:

Start with basic questions like the employee’s name, department, and start date to categorize responses.

  • Overall Satisfaction:

Gauge how satisfied the new hire is with their onboarding experience using a Likert scale or open-ended questions.

  • Onboarding Content:

Assess the effectiveness of the training materials, orientation sessions, and resources provided during onboarding.

  • Expectations vs. Reality:

Ask if the new employee’s expectations were met and if there were any surprises during the onboarding process.

  • Immediate Needs:

Inquire about any immediate needs or concerns the employee might have.

  • Mentorship and Support:

Evaluate the support received from mentors or supervisors during the onboarding period.

  • Integration and Culture:

Assess how well the new hire feels integrated into the company’s culture and teams.

  • Suggestions for Improvement:

Encourage suggestions and constructive feedback on how to enhance the onboarding process.

Employee Onboarding Survey Questions (Examples)

Here are some sample questions you can include in your onboarding survey template:

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with your onboarding experience so far?

2. Were your initial expectations of the company and role met during the onboarding process? Please explain.

3. How well did the training materials and sessions prepare you for your role?

4. Did you feel supported by your mentor or supervisor during your onboarding?

5. How comfortable do you feel with the company’s culture and your team?

6. Do you have any immediate concerns or needs that should be addressed?

7. What suggestions do you have for improving the onboarding process?

Employee Surveys for Recruitment Process – Summary

Creating an effective onboarding survey template is a crucial step in enhancing your organization’s onboarding process.

By gathering feedback from new employees and continually improving the onboarding experience, you can boost employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity.

Remember the 5 C’s of an onboarding program as a framework to ensure that your onboarding process is comprehensive and successful.

Incorporate these survey questions and best practices into your onboarding process, and you’ll be well on your way to creating a welcoming and productive environment for your new hires.

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