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Remote Work Survey

The workplace landscape has evolved significantly in past few years, with remote work becoming a mainstream option for more and more companies.

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This shift in how we work has prompted the need for remote work surveys, a valuable tool for both employers and employees.

In this guide, we will explore the concept of remote work surveys, how to evaluate remote work, what questions to ask remote workers, the purpose of such surveys, and best practices for conducting remote work surveys using survey software.

Understand the Scale: Remote Work Statistics

  • According to a FlexJobs and Global Workplace Analytics report, the number of people working remotely at least half the time has grown by 159% since 2005.
  • Owl Labs reports that companies that allow remote work have a 25% lower employee turnover rate than those that don’t.
  • According to Buffer’s „State of Remote Work 2020“ report, 32% of remote workers consider increased productivity to be the biggest benefit of working from home.
  • Research by Upwork in 2021 revealed that 57% of hiring managers consider remote work as a key component of their talent strategy.
  • According to a study by McKinsey, 20-25% of the workforce in advanced economies could work remotely for three to five days a week without diminishing productivity.

Why Job Seekers Prefer Working Remotely?

Job seekers prefer working remotely for a variety of reasons, and understanding these motivations is crucial for both employers and job candidates.

Improved Work-Life Balance:

Remote work can contribute to a better work-life balance, allowing job seekers to spend more time with family and engage in personal activities without the time and stress associated with commuting.

Adaptation to Remote Trends:

As remote work becomes more prevalent, candidates may prioritize positions that offer remote options to stay in line with current employment trends.

Flexible Work:

Remote work offers greater flexibility in terms of work hours and location. Job seekers appreciate the ability to design a work environment and schedule that best suits their needs, whether it’s working from home, a coffee shop, or while traveling.

Increased Productivity:

Some candidates find that they are more productive when working remotely due to fewer workplace distractions and the ability to create a personalized, comfortable workspace far away from office space.

Environmental Impact:

Some people are motivated by the reduced environmental impact of remote work, as it leads to fewer greenhouse gas emissions associated with commuting.

Cost Savings:

Remote work can lead to significant cost savings. Many employees can save on commuting expenses, work attire, and daily lunches. Additionally, they may be eligible for tax deductions related to their home office expenses.

Family and Caregiving:

Job seekers who are caregivers or parents may prefer remote work to better balance their work and caregiving responsibilities. They simply spend more hours at home.

What is a Remote Work Survey?

A remote work survey is a structured set of questions aimed at gathering data and feedback from your working remotely staff.

These surveys help organizations assess and understand the remote work experience, productivity, work life balance, and overall satisfaction of their employees. They serve as a vital channel for open communication and a way to identify areas for improvement.

The Purpose of Remote Work Surveys

Remote work surveys are a constructive way to gather valuable insights for both employees and employers. These surveys serve several key objectives that can help organizations improve their remote work policies and create a better work environment for everyone involved.

Specifically, remote work surveys provide the following benefits:

Employee Feedback:

By providing a platform for remote workers to voice their opinions, concerns, and suggestions, these surveys can promote a sense of inclusivity and collaboration.

Performance Assessment:

Employers can use the data collected to evaluate the effectiveness of their remote work policies and make informed decisions to enhance productivity. It can lead to better outcomes for both employees and the organization.

Improvement Initiatives:

The feedback obtained from these surveys can guide organizations in implementing measures to address issues and create a better remote work environment. Organizations can create a more positive and productive work environment for their remote workers by taking action on the feedback received.

How Do You Evaluate a Fully Remote Work?

Evaluating remote work involves assessing different aspects of the employee experience, which helps both organizations and remote workers. Here are some key areas to consider:


Measure how productive remote workers are compared to their in-office counterparts. Are they meeting goals and deadlines effectively?


Evaluate the effectiveness of communication tools and practices. Are remote workers able to collaborate seamlessly?


Assess the well-being of remote workers, including their mental and physical health. Are they experiencing burnout or isolation?

Job Satisfaction:

Measure how satisfied remote workers are with their work arrangements. Are they happy and motivated in their roles?

Questions to Ask Remote Employees in a Survey

When designing a remote work survey, it’s essential to ask questions that provide insights into the areas mentioned above. Sample questions may include:

  • How would you rate your productivity while working remotely?
  • Are you satisfied with the communication tools and practices in place?
  • Have you experienced any challenges related to work-life balance while working remotely?
  • How would you rate your overall job satisfaction when working remotely?

How to Ask for Remote Work Feedback with Survey Software

Conducting remote work surveys using dedicated software tools can be effective by following some best practices. Some of them include:

  • Anonymity:

Ensure that survey responses are anonymous, as this encourages honest and candid feedback.

  • Clear and Concise Questions:

Craft questions that are easy to understand, with clear and concise language.

  • Regular Surveys:

Implement regular remote work surveys to track changes and trends over time.

  • Actionable Insights:

Analyze the survey data and use it to implement concrete improvements.

  • Transparency:

Communicate the results of the survey to employees and explain the actions that will be taken in response to their feedback.

  • Flexibility:

Allow for open-ended responses in addition to multiple-choice questions to capture nuanced feedback.

  • Customization:

Tailor surveys to the specific needs and challenges of your remote workforce.

Working Remotely Survey – Summary:

Remote work surveys hold immense potential for organizations and their remote workforce.

By providing a platform for feedback, evaluation, and improvement, employers and employees can work towards a more productive and satisfying remote work experience.

When conducted regularly and with best practices, these surveys enable organizations to adapt and thrive in the ever-changing world of remote work.

Through them, organizations can foster positive change, promote employee engagement, and ensure that remote work arrangements are successful for everyone involved.

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