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E-Commerce Website Survey Questions

Are your customers abandoning their carts? Your online store has a lot of visitors, but orders are rarely or never placed? The key to finding the cause of these problems your e-commerce faces is to ask the right questions.

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Try other ready to use UX survey templates

An e-commerce Survey with a simple question: What is Stopping You from Ordering? is a website pop-up that will quickly provide you with all the necessary information about:

  • what elements of the website or the offer prevent customers from completing the order,
  • what prevents customers from buying,
  • is placing an order simple enough for your target group,
  • what you need to change for more people to complete the transaction.

Survey for e-commerce – questions

A ready-made e-commerce survey template, which you will place on your online store’s website as a widget, will help you collect information from all visitors to the e-store or from a selected group of customers. Thanks to the pop-up survey, you will find out what prevents customers from buying, and you will benefit from:

  1. getting to know your potential customers and their needs better,
  2. conversion optimization,
  3. get information on how customers imagine the perfect purchasing process and order,
  4. increasing the number of orders, and thus profits, after implementing changes based on customer’s voices.

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