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Workplace Bullying Survey

Give employees a chance to speak anonymously. Make sure that your team is free from bullying behavior and mobbing.

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Workplace bullying is an issue that affects countless individuals and organizations worldwide. It can severely impact employees’ well-being, job satisfaction, and overall productivity.

To address this problem effectively, it’s essential to understand workplace bullying, recognize its symptoms, and learn how to conduct a workplace bullying survey.

In this article, we will explore these aspects and provide insights into the questions to ask in a bullying survey and how to prepare an employee assistance program to prevent and address workplace bullying.

What is Workplace Bullying? [Definition]

Repeated negative behavior toward an individual or a group of employees constitutes workplace bullying.

This behavior can manifest through verbal abuse, intimidation, humiliation, or sabotage. Workplace bullying can create a hostile work environment and severely affect the victim’s physical and mental health and the overall workplace culture.

Workplace Bullying Institute Data

The Workplace Bullying Institute statistics highlight the severity of bullying in workplaces.

  • 30% of adult Americans are bullied at work
  • 43% of remote workers are bullied
  • 76.3 million workers were affected (only in the U.S.)

Symptoms of Bullying Behaviors

Recognizing and addressing bullying behavior is critical for human resources specialists and managers in every business environment. But how to recognize emotional abuse? Common symptoms include:

Verbal Abuse:

This can involve shouting, name-calling, or spreading false rumors about an employee.


Bullies may isolate their target, making it challenging to collaborate with colleagues.

Undermining Work:

Deliberate efforts to undermine the work and accomplishments of a colleague.

Excessive Criticism:

Constantly finding faults with a person’s work, even when they are performing well.

Intimidation of Bullying Targets:

Using threats or aggressive body language to create fear in the victim.

Excessive Workload:

Piling an excessive amount of work on a specific employee, often beyond their capacity.


Bullying through digital means, such as emails, instant messaging, or social media.

Symptoms of a Person Affected by Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying causes a range of physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms.

Common symptoms include anxiety, depression, irritability, low self-esteem, headaches, digestive problems, sleep disturbances, withdrawal, decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, loss of interest, escapist behavior, panic attacks, weakened immune system, chronic fatigue syndrome, weight changes, cardiovascular issues, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, self-blame, guilt, fear, paranoia, and psychological disorders.

These symptoms do not necessarily confirm workplace bullying, but it’s crucial to investigate and address the issue when multiple symptoms are present.

Encouraging open communication, providing support, and implementing anti-bullying policies can help prevent and mitigate the effects of workplace bullying.

How to Conduct a Workplace Bullying Survey

In order to tackle workplace bullying, organizations must conduct surveys to identify instances of bullying and gather information on its prevalence and severity. Follow the steps mentioned below to conduct a workplace bullying survey:

  • Define the Purpose:

Clearly define the objectives of the survey. What are you hoping to achieve? Are you looking to gauge the prevalence of bullying, assess its impact, or identify specific areas of concern?

  • Select the Survey Method:

Choose the method of survey administration, which could be online surveys, paper-based surveys, or in-person interviews.

  • Develop a Survey Instrument:

Create a survey with well-crafted questions that address the specific issues you want to investigate.

  • Ensure Anonymity:

Guarantee respondents’ anonymity to encourage honest and open responses.

  • Distribute the Survey:

Administer the survey to employees, ensuring that it reaches all relevant personnel.

  • Analyze Results:

Collect and analyze the survey responses to identify trends, problem areas, and potential solutions.

  • Take Action:

Develop strategies and initiatives to address workplace bullying based on the survey results.

What Questions to Ask in a Workplace Bullying Survey

To build a healthy work environment, it’s important to create a workplace bullying survey that is designed to extract meaningful insights.

By crafting well-considered questions, you can gain a deeper understanding of the nature and scope of bullying within the organization. Here are some sample questions to help you get started:

1. Have you witnessed or experienced any form of bullying behavior in the workplace?

2. If yes, please describe the specific incidents you have witnessed or experienced.

3. Do you feel comfortable reporting incidents of bullying to your supervisor or HR department?

4. Have you ever reported a bullying incident? If so, how was it handled?

5. Do you believe that your organization has a strong anti-bullying policy in place?

6. Are you aware of the support and resources available to employees who experience workplace bullying?

These questions will help identify areas of concern and the effectiveness of existing anti-bullying measures within the organization. The next important step is to take action discourage bullying behaviour and health harming mistreatment in the workplace.

How to Prepare an Employee Assistance Program

Organizations should have a robust Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to prevent and address workplace bullying. Here are steps to prepare an effective EAP:

Policy Development:

Develop a clear anti-bullying policy that outlines the organization’s commitment to addressing workplace bullying.

Awareness Training:

Provide training to employees and supervisors to recognize and respond to instrumental bullying.

Reporting Mechanisms:

Establish confidential and accessible reporting mechanisms for employees to report bullying incidents.

Investigation Procedures:

Define a standardized procedure for investigating and addressing complaints of bullying.

Support and Counseling:

Offer support services and counseling to both victims (including mental health professional assistance) and bullies, focusing on rehabilitation and resolution.

Regular Evaluation:

Continuously assess the effectiveness of the EAP and make necessary adjustments to improve its performance.

Prevent Bullying with Survey Software Tool

Workplace bullying is a significant challenge, but it’s one that we can overcome by working together. By understanding workplace bullying and taking proactive steps to address it, we can create a safer, more inclusive workplace where everyone can thrive.

With the right mindset and tools, we can promote a positive work environment and ensure the well-being of our employees. Remember, acknowledging the problem is the first step toward finding a solution.

Let’s work towards a workplace culture where bullying has no place and respect, empathy, and collaboration are the norm.

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