Types of survey questions

With Startquestion, you will ask the right questions and give your survey a unique look

Multiple choice questions

Add multiple-choice questions and define how many options the respondent can choose. Pick a presentation type (e.g., a drop-down list) and allow the respondent to enter their answers.

HR survey software

Matrix questions

Group multiple similar answers into matrix questions:

  • single choice
  • multiple choice
  • with an option to enter custom answers

Rating questions

Ask for a rating on a scale with the most popular symbols such as stars, emoticons and hearts

NPS question

Measure customer loyalty with the NPS question and see how many of them are promoters or detractors

Open-ended questions

Ask the respondent for the answer in your own words. If you collect more data, create a form.

Questions with images and videos

A picture is worth a thousand words. Ask respondents to rate images or videos.

Slider scale question

Ask to rate your performance on a scale. Describe the extreme values and let the respondent choose the appropriate position.

Attachment question

Create forms with adding attachments. Select acceptable file’s format and size.

Questions with validation

Collect data in a format convenient for easier further analysis. We will validate for you the correctness of entering:

  • date
  • e-mail
  • numbers

Interactive questions

Engage the respondent with more interactive question types such as drag and drop, ranking, or assigning points

Lots of options

Decide whether the questions should be displayed in random order, which of them are mandatory, and how they should be displayed. Give them internal names for easier analysis

Surveys and questions templates

If you’re looking for inspiration, use our survey templates, and bank of questions to take advantage of questionnaires created by experts.

With Startquestion, you will ask the right questions and give your survey a unique look

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