Knowledge tests & surveys with points

Assign points to answers, create advanced knowledge tests, quizzes, or personality tests

Create the type of test you'd like to

Score for answers

Assign points to the answers and build a mechanism for checking the level of knowledge on their basis.

Ask your employees for feedback

Time limits for completion

Set a time limit for completing the entire test or answering a specific question.

Final result calculating

Calculate the final result and decide whether to show it to the respondent. Create aggregate reports based on the respondents’ results.

Draw from the pool

Draw the displayed questions from the pool prepared in advance so that each respondent would get a different set.

Random display order

Display questions and answers in random order to increase the chances of an objective assessment.

Assessment of different areas

Assign specific responses to appropriate areas (e.g., leadership, motivation, and communication) and calculate scores for each of them

Personalized recommendations

You can view or email interpretations of the obtained results. Add personalized recommendations concerning the next steps.

Assign points to answers, create advanced knowledge tests, quizzes or personality tests

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