Why Don’t Employees Want to Get Involved in the Company’s Life?

HR research proves that satisfied employees are more engaged and motivated at work. Try the best-known methods of measuring employee satisfaction (ESAT) and commitment (eNPS), keep your finger on the pulse and quickly learn about the company’s strengths and weaknesses.

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Discover the benefits of the employee satisfaction surveys

Higher work efficiency

A satisfied and motivated employee is the best thing to happen to you. Increased team involvement will translate into higher work efficiency and better company financial results.

Better employer branding

If you are into employer branding, you know perfectly well that employee research is a good investment. A company that cares about employees and tries to understand their needs attracts them like a magnet.

Quick problem identification

Research employee engagement and learn about the most significant difficulties and fears they encounter at work. Ongoing monitoring of satisfaction allows for identifying and removing problems before they become a crisis and cause employees to leave.

Building a culture of feedback

Show employees that you care about their opinions. By using the collected feedback to introduce fundamental changes, you positively impact her culture. Improved communication and better information flow in the company is a great value.

Startquestion features useful in collecting employee feedback

Anonymity guarantee for the employee

Openly criticizing supervisors may raise staff concerns. Reassure your employees that the survey is safe and anonymous; honest feedback is the most important for you.

Personalized survey

Prepare an intuitive and easy-to-complete questionnaire. Take care of the appropriate layout, and if the employees agree to the open survey, make a personal invitation to participate and personalize the survey questionnaire.

Ready templates & Automatic survey delivery

We know time is a priceless resource. Therefore, in cooperation with specialists from the HR industry, we have prepared ready-made templates for employee satisfaction surveys.

Time-saving also applies to survey sending, which you only set up once. Choose the most convenient form of distribution of the survey to the capabilities of the staff (e-mail, link, SMS, QR code, questionnaire on the website).

Advanced analysis in just a few clicks

Analyze the collected feedback to have a tangible impact on employee satisfaction and commitment. Thanks to analytical tools, you can filter the results by, for example, the employee’s department, seniority, position, etc. You can also create rankings with one click and track changes in employee satisfaction over time.

Recurring reports & live results

With Startquestion, you can easily share your research results. Anyone with a link to the LIVE report can follow the incoming results in real-time. You can also quickly download an aesthetic and graphically rich research report in a convenient format (DOCX, PDF, etc.) or set up a cyclical shipment to the managers concerned by the opinion.

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