Why Don’t Your Events Attract Crowds?

Send surveys after the event via e-mail, link or QR code. Collect feedback from thousands of participants at once and quickly learn how to organize unforgettable events, webinars and training.

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Discover the beneftis of conducting Post-event Evaluation Surveys

Know the trends and stay ahead of the competition

Is it still worth investing in webinars and podcasts? Or maybe there is an excellent return of live events? Don't guess – organize events based on the knowledge gathered from participants. Anticipate trends and stay ahead of the competition.

Get honest feedback

Do you think your webinars, conferences and events are great, but there are fewer and fewer signups for them? Whether organizing events or hiring a business, a survey is the only way to get honest opinions and discover why your events are declining.

Plan every detail

Post-event evaluation is more than one question. In the survey, you can check the satisfaction with every aspect of the event, training or webinar and create an unbeatable offer.

Take care of PR and avoid crises

Post-event survey is a tool that keeps you up-to-date. You can react to negative evaluations of the event on an ongoing basis and spot even minor mishaps that, if neglected, could be a PR disaster.

Startquestion features useful in conducting Post-event Evaluation

Survey distribution adjusted to the event

Instead of bothering participants with requests for feedback, make them want to share it. Startquestion offers several types of shipping (link, QR code, e-mail, SMS), thanks to which you can make filling in simple and fast. If you decide to e-mail, you don’t have to worry about deliverability – you can send the survey from your e-mail server, which will go to SPAM.

Personalization for participants and events

Are you organizing dozens of events, webinars or training? We know how to save your time and effort. Thanks to the display rules available in Startquestion, post-event surveys do not have to be prepared separately for each event. You set the rules once, and for a specific question, part of the survey or information with a rebate code for the next event goes only to selected participants.

A permanent monitoring of declines and increases

One of the features of our tool is trends, thanks to which you will see at a glance changes in ratings over time, catch sharp drops and discover their cause. To study the increases or decreases in popularity of events over time, you do not need to download data and create complex tables in Excel. You receive directions in the form of a clear graph, ready to be sent to your organization.

Self-generating reports

You indeed don’t feel like or time to manually create summaries in Excel. We know it well, and that’s why in Startquestion, there are automatically generated reports waiting for you, ready to be sent immediately, without even transferring them to a Powerpoint presentation. With a few clicks, you can generate a readable PDF with the evaluation of the event or send a link to the LIVE report, where everyone can follow the feedback live.

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