website review tools

10 Best Website Feedback Tools for 2023

Having a website is essential for business success in the digital age. Prioritizing user feedback can help build strong relationships and improve user experience. Check out our top ten website feedback tools to transform visitor insights into a powerful instrument for success.

Why Should You Gather Website Feedback?

Collecting website feedback is vital for any online business. It helps you learn more about your customers, find out their issues, and make decisions to improve their experience and grow your business. Below are five business solutions that explain how website feedback can help with different problems:

Shopping Cart Abandonment Reduction

Understanding why customers abandon their shopping carts is critical for success in e-commerce. Feedback can help pinpoint unexpected costs, a complicated checkout process, or security concerns. With this information, you can simplify the checkout process, offer incentives, and build trust to reduce cart abandonment and increase sales.

Shopping Cart Abandonment Reasons

Did many customers leave the shopping path after adding products to the cart? Are you not sure what this is caused by? A simple question about the reason for cart abandonment placed on your website will allow you to explore the low level of order completion.

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Shopping Cart Abandonment Reasons

Did many customers leave the shopping path after adding products to the cart? Are you not sure what this is caused by? A simple question about the reason for cart abandonment placed on your website will allow you to explore the low level of order completion.

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Customer Feedback and Market Research

Website visitors’ feedback can give you insight into their needs, preferences, and any issues they might have. By understanding your audience better, you can adjust your website’s content, design, and functionality to meet their expectations and improve their experience. Feedback can help you spot any problems stopping users from doing what you want, like buying something or signing up for a service. Once you’ve addressed this feedback, you can improve your website and get more sales or leads.

Identifying User Experience Issues

Website feedback provides valuable insights into how users interact with your website. You can uncover usability problems, navigation issues, or areas where customers need clarification through feedback forms, surveys, or user testing (design feedback tool). Addressing these issues can enhance the user experience, increasing customer satisfaction and retention.

Constant Bug Reports

As a person who runs a website, you know that users may encounter technical problems while using your site. Collecting feedback from these users to quickly identify and solve any issues is essential, resulting in a better experience for them.

Website Redesign and Optimization

Feedback from users is vital for identifying outdated designs and areas that need improvement on a website. Analyzing this feedback can help plan a redesign that meets customer expectations and preferences. A modern, easy-to-use website design can improve engagement, encourage repeat visits, and increase conversion rates. After a website rebrands and changes, you can conduct usability testing to gather valuable user feedback.

Importance of Feedback Management

These are only selected resons to collect website feedback. Your company may have its own.

By asking for it, you show your users that you value their thoughts and are dedicated to providing an exceptional online experience. It can help build loyalty and trust, leading to long-term success for your website and business. However, to collect feedback effectively, it’s essential to use proper tools.

It’s time to review the website feedback software.

Website Surveys
Website surveys examples created in Startquestion

Our List of Top 10 Website Feedback Tools

1. Startquestion

Startquestion is an online survey platform that offers a user-friendly interface and a range of features. With customizable survey templates, creating surveys has never been easier. You can choose from various question types, including multiple-choice, rating scales, and open-ended questions.

The tool offers advanced features like skip logic, piping, and data validation, allowing for a more sophisticated survey design. It also supports collaboration among team members, making it suitable for collaborative survey projects. You can distribute your surveys through email, social media, or embedded links. And with reporting and analytics features, you can derive valuable insights from the collected data.

Startquestion’s free account is an excellent option for anyone seeking user-friendly survey software with advanced features to conduct surveys and gather feedback.

Type of questions to ask in a survey
Examples of surveys created in Startquestion

Advantages of Startquestion Website Feedback Tool

  • Free Account

Startquestion offers a free account option, allowing users to access and utilize basic survey and feedback features without incurring costs. It enables businesses and individuals to collect feedback without financial barriers and explore the platform’s capabilities before committing to a paid plan.

  • Exceptional Customer Support

We take great pride in delivering exceptional customer service and support. Our team is highly responsive, knowledgeable, and fully dedicated to assisting users with questions or concerns while collecting feedback. This level of support is crucial for ensuring users have a smooth and positive experience.

  • Easy Start

Startquestion focuses on simplicity and a user-friendly interface to make survey creation and distribution easy for everyone, regardless of experience. The platform offers intuitive tools and clear instructions to minimize the learning curve and help users launch effective feedback campaigns with minimal effort.

Pricing: From free account to enterprise. See full account comparison.

2. Hotjar

Hotjar is a powerful website feedback tool that helps website owners and marketers gain valuable insights into user behavior and website performance. It offers a comprehensive set of tools to understand how visitors interact with a website, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions to improve user experience and conversion rates.

Example of a heatmap / source:

Advantages of Hotjar Website Feedback Tool

  • User Behavior Analysis

Hotjar provides heatmaps, clickmaps, and scrollmaps, enabling businesses to visualize how users navigate their websites. This information helps identify popular sections, click-through patterns, and areas where users might lose interest, allowing for targeted optimizations.

  • Visitor Feedback Collection

With features like on-site surveys, feedback polls, and NPS (Net Promoter Score) surveys, Hotjar allows businesses to gather visitor feedback directly. This helps to understand customer preferences, pain points, and overall satisfaction levels, leading to more informed decision-making.

  • User Session Recordings

Hotjar offers session recording capabilities that record users’ interactions in real time. This allows businesses to replay sessions and observe how users engage with the website, providing invaluable insights into usability issues, bugs, and potential areas for improvement.

Pricing: basic (free), business (80 euro/month), scale (171 euro/month).

3. GetFeedback

GetFeedback is a helpful feedback tool that allows businesses to receive valuable insights from visitors through customized surveys and feedback forms. Its purpose is to assist organizations in comprehending customer requirements, identifying issues, and enhancing overall website performance.

GetFeedback Platform
GetFeedback platform / Source:

Advantages of GetFeedback Website Feedback Tool

  • Customizable Surveys

The tool allows businesses to create highly customizable surveys and feedback forms, tailoring the questions and design to match their brand and specific research objectives. This flexibility ensures relevant and actionable feedback from website visitors.

  • Multichannel Feedback Collection

Besides embedding surveys directly on websites, GetFeedback supports feedback collection across multiple channels, including email, social media, and mobile. This diverse approach ensures a broader reach and allows businesses to engage with customers through their preferred platforms.

  • Real-time Analytics

GetFeedback provides real-time analytics and reporting features, enabling businesses to track feedback responses as they come in. Instant access to data helps identify trends and issues promptly, empowering businesses to address concerns and rapidly improve their website’s user experience.

Pricing: customized plans, contact with sales needed.

4. HubSpot

HubSpot is a comprehensive inbound marketing, sales, and customer service platform. It offers a variety of tools to help businesses attract, engage, and satisfy their customers. One of its valuable features is a website feedback tool that enables companies to collect and analyze feedback from their website visitors. It helps improve the user experience and drives business growth.

HubSpot platform
HubSpot live chat / Source:

Advantages of HubSpot Website Feedback Tool

  • Integrated Feedback Collection

HubSpot integrates website feedback collection seamlessly with its marketing and CRM ecosystem. This integration allows businesses to consolidate feedback data with other customer interactions, providing a holistic view of customer preferences and needs.

  • Smart Surveys and Forms

HubSpot offers smart survey and form-building capabilities, allowing businesses to create interactive and dynamic feedback forms. These intelligent forms adapt based on visitor behavior, presenting relevant questions and reducing friction in the feedback process.

  • In-depth Feedback Analysis

HubSpot provides robust reporting and analytics tools for feedback data. Businesses can quickly analyze feedback trends, sentiment, and customer insights to identify pain points, make data-driven decisions, and continually enhance their website’s user experience.

Pricing: free and premium plans (depending on client’s needs)


Among visual feedback tools, we can recommend It’s an easy-to-use tool for providing feedback on websites. It makes capturing and managing visual feedback from clients, team members, or visitors to your site simple. This helps to streamline the communication process and enables effective collaboration with stakeholders for website improvements and bug fixes.
Features preview / Source:

Advantages of Website Feedback Tool

  • Seamless Visual Feedback allows users to capture and annotate screenshots directly from the website, making it effortless for clients, team members, or users to provide precise visual feedback. This feature reduces misunderstandings and ensures clarity in communication regarding issues or required changes.

  • Integration with Popular Tools integrates with various project management and communication tools like Jira, Trello, Asana, GitHub, Slack, and more. This feature enables teams to report, assign, and track issues or feedback directly from their preferred platforms, streamlining the workflow and enhancing collaboration. For Jira users, can even be configured to automatically create issue templates whenever feedback is submitted, saving valuable time and ensuring consistency in issue reporting

  • Cross-browser and Device Compatibility

With, you can collect feedback from users using various devices and browsers without worrying about compatibility issues. It makes it easy to gather comprehensive feedback from diverse users, regardless of their preferences or setups.

Pricing: starter (39$/month), team (99$), company (259$).

6. UserVoice

UserVoice is a platform for managing customer feedback and product development. It allows businesses to collect, prioritize, and analyze feedback from users, clients, and website visitors. Companies can improve their products or services by understanding customer needs and making data-driven decisions based on valuable insights.

UserVoice Platform
UserVoice features / Source:

Advantages of UserVoice Website Feedback Tool

  • Feedback Collection Channels

UserVoice offers multiple channels for feedback collection, including in-app widgets, feedback forums, and email surveys. This versatility ensures businesses can capture feedback from various touchpoints, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of user preferences and pain points.

  • Idea Prioritization and Voting

Users can submit their ideas and suggestions through UserVoice, which others can vote on. This voting system aids businesses in measuring the popularity and demand for specific features or enhancements, allowing them to prioritize their development roadmap accordingly.

  • Robust Analytics and Reporting

UserVoice provides detailed analytics and reporting features, allowing businesses to gain actionable insights from the feedback data. Companies can identify trends, patterns, and emerging issues through comprehensive reports and visualizations, making informed decisions to enhance their website or product offerings.

Pricing: essentials (699$/month), pro (899$), premium (1349$), enterprise (custom).

7. SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is a widely used online survey platform that allows businesses and individuals to create and distribute surveys to gather important feedback, opinions, and data from respondents. It features a user-friendly interface, diverse question types, and powerful analytics tools that streamline and enhance the survey process.

SurveyMonkey survey creator
SurveyMonkey survey creator / Source:

Advantages of SurveyMonkey Website Feedback Tool

  • Versatile Question Types

The software provides diverse question types, including multiple-choice, open-ended, rating scales, and more. This versatility allows businesses to tailor surveys to specific feedback needs and gather comprehensive insights from website visitors.

  • Easy Distribution and Response Collection

With SurveyMonkey, distributing surveys is simple, whether through email invitations, social media, or website embedding. The platform facilitates effortless response collection and data tracking, ensuring a smooth feedback-gathering process.

  • Advanced Analytics and Reporting

This tool’s analytics and reporting features are powerful, helping businesses make sense of the data they collect. With real-time data visualizations, cross-tabulations, and sentiment analysis, users can more easily interpret feedback and draw meaningful conclusions to improve their websites.

Pricing: from free basic plans to premier accounts (price depends on client’s needs)

8. UserReport

UserReport is a tool that enables businesses to gather feedback from website visitors, analyze user behavior, and use data to make informed decisions for improving the user experience. It is a comprehensive website feedback and analytics tool.

UserReport survey widget
UserReport survey widget / Source:

Advantages of UserReport Website Feedback Tool

  • User-Friendly Feedback Widgets

With UserReport, you can easily embed customizable feedback widgets into your website. These widgets allow visitors to provide feedback, report issues, and share suggestions conveniently, promoting active engagement and communication.

  • Targeted Surveys and Feedback Forms

The tool allows businesses to effortlessly develop personalized surveys and feedback forms to gather specific feedback from their audience. Our platform uses audience segmentation to ensure that relevant questions are directed to the appropriate user groups, resulting in more valuable and meaningful feedback. Utilize our powerful tool to acquire the feedback your business requires to thrive.

Comprehensive Analytics and Reports

UserReport provides in-depth analytics and reporting features to analyze feedback data effectively. Businesses can track trends, monitor user sentiment, and identify recurring issues, enabling them to prioritize improvements and optimize their website based on actual user preferences and needs.

Pricing: contact with sales needed.

9. Google Forms

Google Forms is a free and user-friendly tool provided by Google for creating surveys and forms. With its easy-to-use interface, users can effortlessly customize online surveys, feedback forms, and questionnaires. It’s a popular choice for gathering feedback from website visitors.

Google Forms survey example / Source:

Advantages of Google Forms Website Feedback Tool

  • Simple and Intuitive Interface:

Google Forms offers a straightforward and easy-to-use interface, allowing users to create and customize feedback forms without advanced technical knowledge quickly. This simplicity makes it accessible to a wide range of users.

  • Versatile Question Types

With various question types, including multiple-choice, text, rating scales, and more, Google Forms enables businesses to design feedback forms tailored to their needs. The flexibility helps in gathering detailed and diverse feedback from website visitors.

  • Integration with Google Workspace

The tool seamlessly integrates with other Google Workspace applications like Google Sheets and Google Drive. This integration streamlines data collection and analysis, as responses are automatically organized and stored in Google Sheets for easy access and collaboration.

Pricing: free.

10. TrustPilot

TrustPilot offers a platform for customers to share their experiences and feedback on different businesses. It is a valuable tool for companies to collect and display customer reviews, helping them build trust, improve their offerings, and enhance their online reputation.

TrustPilot Platform
TrustPilot features / Source:

Advantages of TrustPilot Website Feedback Tool

  • Genuine Customer Reviews

It encourages authentic and unbiased customer reviews, giving businesses genuine feedback from real customers. This transparency and credibility help potential customers make informed decisions based on the experiences shared by others.

  • Review Management Features

Trustpilot offers robust review management features, allowing businesses to respond to customer reviews, address concerns, and engage with their audience. Managing and interacting with reviews helps build strong customer relationships and demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction.

  • SEO Benefits and Online Visibility

Reviews on Trustpilot can boost a website’s online visibility and optimization (SEO) by appearing in search engine results. High ratings and positive feedback can attract potential customers and increase website traffic, leading to growth and improved brand recognition.

Pricing: standard (250$/month), growth (600$), scale (900$), enterprise (upon request).

Best Practices for Collecting Website Feedback

Understanding the needs of users and customers is essential for improving the overall customer experience.

However, it’s crucial to prioritize the comfort of website visitors when collecting data. Bombarding them with pop-up surveys at every turn can negatively impact their experience and even drive them toward competitors.

Therefore, website research should be well-planned and intuitive for users. It should also make it easy for them to navigate the site and achieve their goals.

To effectively gather feedback, it’s recommended to follow best practices.

  • Use Targeted Surveys

Do focused surveys at key touchpoints to get helpful feedback from website visitors. But don’t overdo it, or they may lose interest. Respect their time and attention while gathering insights (a feedback widget would work well here).

  • Offer Incentives for Valuable Customer Feedback

Offering incentives like discounts, exclusive content access, or giveaway entries can boost user participation and feedback quality in surveys.

Use feedback widgets on your website to get user feedback without disrupting their browsing. It’s simple, blends in with your design, and keeps users engaged while gathering valuable insights.

Analyze and act on collected feedback
  • Customer Experience Matters

Keep survey questions concise and straightforward to gather significant insights and increase response rates for a better customer experience.

  • Ask Open-Ended Questions

Use open-ended survey questions to gain deeper insights into user preferences and concerns.

  • Gather Feedback in Real-Time

Collecting real-time user feedback can improve your website’s functionality and increase satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Engage with Negative Feedback

Embrace negative feedback to improve performance. Address concerns and show users their input is valuable. Use it as a tool for growth and improvement.

  • Regularly Review and Act on Feedback

Regularly gather feedback from surveys to improve user experience. Take action on their suggestions and update them on any changes to maintain an honest relationship.

Following these guidelines, you can create a feedback system that values the user’s perspective. It will improve your website, ultimately enhancing the user experience.

Source: Capterra Report 2023

Try Our Free Website Feedback Software

Ready to collect customer feedback online?

When searching for website review tools, testing a few to find the optimal solution for your business needs is essential. Look for features, solutions, and an operation profile that will save you time and money while providing insights into users expectations and opinions.

We will be delighted if you decide to put Startquestion on your shortlist.

Sign Up for a Free Startquestion Account

Dariusz Jaroń
Content marketing specialist and author of non-fiction books with many years of experience in B2B writing, journalism, and translations. Beginner marathon runner and intermediate mountain hiker. When he isn't writing or jogging, he's probably trying to learn Italian.